Episode 3: Tip for Small Business Owners: How The Pomodoro Method Solves Your Time Management Problems

In today’s Tip Tuesday, Fiona shares her favourite tool for productivity which relates to the Pomodoro Method. This mode of working helps people accomplish tasks within 25 minutes (with a 5-minute break in between) and stay focused on work that needs to be done immediately. Listen to today’s tip to find out if this method applies to you, how it could help improve your productivity and become the time management tool you need!

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Tip Tuesday introduction [0:49:42]

  • Tomato Timer [1:04:93]

  • How Fiona Uses It To Improve Productivity [1:38:02]

  • Conclusion [3:14:47]

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Tomato Timer [1:04:93]

And if there's something that you are kind of struggling with in your small business and you're like, I wish there was a tool for that or, you know, a framework or something else, please don't hesitate to just send Fiona a DM.

via  @mydailybusinesscoach or you can email us hello@mydailybusinesscoach.com.


Episode 4: Coaching Session with Fiona Killackey: What Drives Customers to Purchase A Product or Services?


Episode 2: Lessons from 17 years in business with Josh Rubin, Co-Founder Of Cool Hunting