Episode 57: Small Business Tips - Creating Playlists To Get Inside The Mindset of Your Ideal Audience

In this quick tip episode, Fiona shares how she gets into the minds of her ideal audience to know what they want to hear whenever she prepares content for them - creating a playlist is highly recommended!

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Introduction

  • Christmas catch-up and gift ideas

  • Fiona as a creative writer

  • Creating playlists for your ideal audience

  • Last minute gift shopping ideas

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

Episode transcript: 

Hello and welcome to Episode 57 of the My Daily Business Coach podcast.

I am super excited. It's coming up to Christmas. My family celebrates Christmas and I just love this time of year. I know it can be incredibly stressful, especially for those of you who are running a retail business. So I'm definitely sending you good vibes. Know that the end is in sight, although you do have, you know, Boxing Day sales and all of that. I worked in retail. I've worked in head office for retail, and that's a large part of my career.

So, I definitely feel you and know that at some point you're going to get a break and all the hard work that you're doing right now will be worth it. So, definitely big hugs and good vibes sending to anyone that works in retail and to everybody else.

You know, this time of year, whether you're in retail or not, can be stressful. It can also be, you know, very emotional, particularly if you have lost family members or you're not near your family or unable to see them this year because of COVID. So, yeah, to everyone, everyone who's listening, I'm sending you a giant hug from my house to your house.

But yes, I am excited about this. Countdown is on. My kids are really excited and yes, I'm just looking forward to it. I know also that if you are kind of rushing around and you're like, oh my goodness, I completely forgot to get a present for a friend and perhaps they're a friend like you that runs their own business or is thinking of starting a business, then I have plenty of gifts available. They are all digital. They don't need you wrapping. They're available even if you order on Christmas Day, you can get it in time for, say, somebody you're seeing that evening that you completely forgot to buy for. And you can find them at mydailybusinesscoach.com/shop. And of course, we'll link to that in the show notes as well.

So today is a Quick Tip episode and it is going to be quick. It is definitely a tip that can really be useful, particularly when it comes to content marketing or really any kind of marketing or branding that you're doing in your business. And it's also a tip that I found really useful in other creative pursuits outside of my business as well. So let's get stuck in today's tip episode.

All right, so I have worked as a freelance writer for a long time. It's always been something I'll do. Usually it's on the side. It is not a huge proponent of my business, but I have been a published writer for about 20 years. I've written my first book, Passion, Purpose Profit, which is also a really good gift idea if you want to get that. We don't sell it directly, but you'll find it online at all bookshops and independent bookstores around Australia, New Zealand, the UK, in the US.

But I have also been a creative writer and it's not something necessarily that I talk about that much. I have written many creative writing pieces. Some of them have been published. I have actually been working on a book. Now, I wrote about 70,000 words way back in 2009 and I kind of did that all quite quickly and kind of just left it for a good 10 years. And then I picked it up recently and thought, you know, I'd really like to keep going into that. And it was really interesting to go back and sort of see myself 10 years ago. And I was talking about things that I hadn't actually experienced yet.

It's very strange how life and art work like that. In this book, somebody's mother dies and they're in the hospital and it's all very quick. And my own mother died in that exact same circumstance, you know, eight years after I wrote that the start of this book.

Anyway, my point is that when I was writing this book, there are different characters in it and they weren't all like me. You know, a lot of them are quite different to me. And so, I kind of had to get into their mindset, into their headspace and quickly because I had very limited time to write. And so one thing I did was I actually considered, you know, who is this person? Who's the character, where they come from, what's their background? What's important to them, what their values, all of that stuff very similar to what you do when you're working at your ideal audience in your business.

And one way that I put myself in their mindset was to create a playlist. So a list of songs that this character in the book that I was writing would be would have listened to or grown up with. And so I created a bunch of different playlists on Spotify for each character so that every time I was writing in that character, I would listen to a lot of music to put me in the headspace of that character and their mindset.

And I actually then recently took that same idea and did it for all of the people in my audience segments, and I've actually found it brilliant because when I'm then thinking about a campaign or I'm thinking about, you know, talking to them in a particular way or how they might be feeling, I'm able to listen to this playlist and kind of really get in the mindset. Now, sometimes for small business owners, your ideal audience is very similar to yourself. That happens quite often.

People create a product or service because they can't find something that they themselves need. And so it might be easier for those people to write or to communicate because they're basically writing to themselves in many ways. But there are also a whole bunch of people in small business who perhaps are or perhaps are creating products or services for a very different type of person to themselves.

So maybe somebody's going through something that they haven't gone through, maybe a younger demographic, an older demographic. Maybe people experiencing different types of lifestyles that are different to themselves. And so, it might sound really trivial, but I actually think it's been such a great way to get into the mindset or the kind of feeling of somebody else to create a playlist of the types of music that they would be listening to and whether it's, you know, you're doing stuff for tween products and you're like, okay, cool, I'm going to go and get I don't even know. Look, I can tell that I don't talk to tweens too much or say you're talking to say like, my son is eight years old. He's obsessed with kids, pop and all the kids pop music and a lot of that kind of stuff is really into hip hop, but like kind of, you know, G-rated hip hop, of course. And so you're listening to certain things to get you in the mood to write or communicate to that particular audience.

So it's a really simple idea. But I really I can't stress enough how much it's actually helped me get in the right headspace when I'm about to do, say, batch content creation.

So if that is something that you struggle with creating content or coming up with campaign ideas or just the creative side of talking to your ideal audience, then definitely think about creating a playlist and listening to it for a good, you know, 10, 20 minutes while you're creating content. And it might just do the trick. It might just be the thing that you need to get in the mindset of whoever it is that you're trying to communicate and connect with in a way that's going to really appeal to them.

So that is it for today's quick episode. And I really hope it's been useful. It might sound a bit bizarre or a bit like woo-woo, but just have a go experiment, see if it helps you. And if it does, I would absolutely love to hear from you.

So don't be a stranger. You can connect with me any time I'm on Instagram at @mydailybusinesscoach or email hello@mydailybusinesscoach.com

All right. So that's it for episode fifty seven. If you want to hear the show notes for this or you just want to find it in text form and you know, clip it to your bookmarks, come back to you can find that at mydailybusinesscoach.com/podcast/57

As I said at the start, if you are desperate for a Christmas gift or a late Hanukkah gift or any other kind of gift, just a “thanks so much for helping me through 2020” gift for a best friend. You can definitely check out a bunch of online courses, short courses, e-books, and, you know, one on one kind of coaching packages over at mydailybusinesscoach.com/shop. All right. We'll leave that in the show notes again. I hope you have a wonderful festive season with your family. I hope you don't stress too much.

And yeah, well done to all of us. We are almost through. 2020 has been a crazy, challenging, incredible year. Thanks so much for listening. I'll see you next time.

Thanks for listening to My Daily Business Coach podcast. If you want to get in touch, you can do that at mydailybusinesscoach.com or hit me up on Instagram at @mydailybusinesscoach.


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